Thursday, 4 February 2016

November 23... Goodbye Sister Fenn

Hello Hello!! So i have sinned... i didn't write in my journal once this week!! So this is going to be all from memory folks. 

Sister Fenn is officially gone!!! it was soooo sad to say goodbye!! i loved serving with her but i know that she was sad but excited to go home! And i am really happy to now be serving with Sister Weckesser! We have only been together for a few days and i already love her!! 
Between the time of having Sister Fenn leave and Sister Weckesser come i spent 2 days with Sister Law who is absolutely hilarious. In that time we got to take the 3 new sisters that came out street contacting. That was so much fun!! They are the sweetest girls in the whole world! They are going to be remarkable missionaries!! Poor things didn't have any winter gear though so they were a bit cold. I even had to take one the next day to buy winter stuff before she got shipped off to Newfoundland friday haha 

BEST THING ABOUT THIS WEEK. I got to go to the temple TWICE and then to the temple dedication! How can you not have a great week after that.... i am so happy. The temple is such a blessing. 

This week has been a bit uneventful (which is not a bad thing) mostly because of transfers and we have been spending a lot of time preparing our training for zone conference. It will be a good training. We are excited! Except we will be out of our area all week except for one day. So we have to try and cram everything into that day!! woohoo! 

On sunday we had the temple dedication and then me and Sister weckesser held a scripture study for anyone that couldn't come to the temple dedication and any members that wanted to join. In the end we had about 12 people come and it was really good! We read Mosiah 2 and discussed what we can do in our life to find joy. We had a friend of a member come and she loved it! We will be meeting with her on thursday and picking her up as a new investigator :) 

Well friends, i don;t have a ton of time this week so i will have to skip out on the spiritual thought! Sorry!!!! But i will quickly say how much i love the temple. It is so important in our life. And not just the act of going, but making sure that every day we are preparing to go. Living up to the promises we have made and truly making the temple the center of our lives. 

Love you all :)  

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